Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tree Orchid

Mystacidium capense *Linn.f.)Schltr  - Tree Orchid
Every year, shortly before Christmas the tree orchids start blooming. They are unfortunately in the valleys high in the trees so not always visible.  At reception there are a few trees that have them too.  Some have actually been successfully transplanted.
It is a perennial epiphytic herb, which grows in small, and sometimes rather dense clumps on trees in this area.  The leaves are dark green, tough and leathery , with the midrib depressed above and very prominent and ridge belop.  The pex of the leaf is unequally lobed.  The flowers are very strongly scented especially at night and are borne in great profusion, arranged in two rows, on stems about 10 cm long which hang down.  This is one of our daintiest and most attractive epiphytic orchids. 
When you arrive at Reception, ask Alida to show you the flowers.

1 comment:

  1. Awww it looks totally incredible and magical:) Wish you a great day
    Kisses, my dear

    Ps: I am hosting a charming scarf GIVEAWAY today, just in time for cozy Christmas!
